Anna Amadori
Anna Amadori Anna Amadori graduated with Claudio Meldolesi; trained at the School of Theatre in Bologna and with Dominic De Fazio, Philip Gaulier, Candace Smith and others; worked with Teatro Valdoca, Lenz Rifrazioni, Marco Baliani, Claudio Morganti, Letizia Quintavalla, Andrea Adriatico, Deflorian/Tagliarini, Kostantin Bogomolov; with Fulvio Ianneo founded Teatro Reon in 1990.
From 2008 she began a personal writing and directing work that saw the creation of “Fourteen” by Aldo Gargani and Allen Ginsberg, “Wonderwoman moved” by Herta Muller, “Beginners” by Raymond Carver; with Arthemisia Chapel “Two Worlds and I’m from the Other” by Cristina Campo; with the support of Liberty Association and Agora he makes “The Unexpected” and “Sunflowers” by Fabrice Melquiot, “Shell Rose, Anaïs Nin and the Days of Porn” by Magdalena Barile.
She complements her artistic career with theatrical teaching and reading training: the transmission of knowledge and listening to the other is mutual growth, awareness of one’s tools, deep knowledge of the human and personal enrichment.
From 2008 she began a personal writing and directing work that saw the creation of “Fourteen” by Aldo Gargani and Allen Ginsberg, “Wonderwoman moved” by Herta Muller, “Beginners” by Raymond Carver; with Arthemisia Chapel “Two Worlds and I’m from the Other” by Cristina Campo; with the support of Liberty Association and Agora he makes “The Unexpected” and “Sunflowers” by Fabrice Melquiot, “Shell Rose, Anaïs Nin and the Days of Porn” by Magdalena Barile.
She complements her artistic career with theatrical teaching and reading training: the transmission of knowledge and listening to the other is mutual growth, awareness of one’s tools, deep knowledge of the human and personal enrichment.