Annagaia Marchioro
Annagaia Marchioro born in Padua, graduated in Philosophy in Venice and graduated as an actress from the Paolo Grassi School of Dramatic Art in Milan. She has worked in theater with directors such as Shammà, Sinigaglia, Torre, Sorrentino, Grazzini, and Fornasari. On television she worked with Serena Dandini on Rai3 for Gli stati generali and in 2018 she joined the regular cast of Saturday Night Live alongside Claudio Bisio. In cinema she has worked with Ivano De Matteo and Olivier Assayas.
She founded the company Le Brugole, for which she has written brilliant shows such as Diario di una donna diversamente etero and Modern Family. Her latest works as actress-author are the monologue Fame mia, a tragicomic coming-of-age story inspired by the book Biography of Hunger by Amélie Nothomb (hosted by Musikè in 2021), and the stand-up comedy Pourparler.
She founded the company Le Brugole, for which she has written brilliant shows such as Diario di una donna diversamente etero and Modern Family. Her latest works as actress-author are the monologue Fame mia, a tragicomic coming-of-age story inspired by the book Biography of Hunger by Amélie Nothomb (hosted by Musikè in 2021), and the stand-up comedy Pourparler.