Francesco Marilungo
Francesco Marilungo after her studies in Thermomechanical Engineering and a period of research at the Von Karman Institute in Brussels, he attended the Atelier of Teatrodanza at the Scuola d’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi in Milan. He continued his training as a performer by following the IFA – Inteatro path with Idoia Zabaleta, Geraldine Pilgrim, Iris Karayan and Claudia Dias. With the latter and with João Fiadeiro he also later deepens the practice of the RTC Method. Since 2010 he has been in contact with internationally renowned dancers and choreographers – Lisa Kraus and Elena Demyanenko (Trisha Brown Dance Company), Julie Anne Stanzak, Juliana Neves and Quan Bui Ngoc (Les Ballets C de la B), Masaki Iwana, Gabriela Carrizo (Peeping Tom), Yasmine Hugonnet, Jan Fabre, Gisele Vienne and Romeo Castellucci. Over the years he has worked as a performer for Enzo Cosimi, Mara Cassiani, Antonio Marras, Jonathan Burrows/Matteo Fargion and Alessandro Sciarroni. Parallel to his activity as a dancer, he embarked on his own authorial path. He participated with his first solo “Emily” at the International Dance Competition Out d’autore Salicedoro (first prize and Armunia Prize) and in 2014 he was selected by the network Anticorpi XL for the Young Author Dance Showcase with Siegfried. His work “Paradise”, winner of the Lombardy Region’s NEXT 2015/2016 call for proposals, premiered at Danae Festival 2015 and was selected by the Anticorpi XL network for the Young Author’s Dance Showcase 2016. “New Horizon”, a project supported by the European network Open Latitudes, premiered at Danae Festival 2016.
“Love Souvenir”, winner of the Inteatro Festival call and Next 2017/2018 call from the Lombardy region, is premiered at Inteatro Festival 2018. Her latest work, “Party Girl”, winner of the 2020 Prospettiva Danza Prize and the 2020 Cross Prize, is selected for the Nid New Italian Dance Platform 2021.