Gisella Bein

Gisella Bein, graduated from the school of Teatro Stabile Torino, she worked with Franco Passatore, Sergio Liberovici, Beppe Navello, Renzo Giovampietro and Enrico Maria Salerno. She later joined Gruppo della Rocca where, during ten years, she produced the shows “Candido,” “L’uomo, la bestia, la virtu’” and other productions. Since 1994, he has been working with Assemblea Teatro in the productions “The Lipstick on the Host,” “Fires,” “The Desert of the Tartars,” “More than a Thousand Thursdays,” “The Paper Vessel,” “The Little Prince,” “Crazy Queens,” “If You Shape Pink. “Aphrodita and Immoral Recipes,” ‘After Storming the Skies,’ ‘Glazba,’ ‘Words in Silence,’ ‘More Nothing in the World,’ ‘In the Extreme Seas,’ ‘Neruda’s Funeral,’ and ”The Butterfly’s Weight.” He has also collaborated with the Rai radio station in Turin prose sector. Internationally, he has performed on stages in France, Spain, Britain, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Canada, Venezuela and Germany.

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