Marinella Manicardi

Marinella Manicardi Marinella Manicardi graduated in literature and made her debut in theater at very young age with Luigi Gozzi, her partner in art and life. With him she directed the company TNE/Teatro delle Moline in Bologna until 2006. Among Gozzi’s shows: Otello! (1974) in major national festivals; Freud and the Case of Dora (1979) finalist for the Mondello Award, and La doppia vita di Anna O. (1989) again from Freud, touring Italy and Europe; Memorie labili (1984 Venice Biennale); L’armonia universale (Bologna Cultura 2000). He is also in Via delle oche (1999) by Carlo Lucarelli and Cerimonia by Marcello Fois. His directs: Anna Cappelli (2005) by Ruccello reported for interpretation and direction at the UBU Awards as well as Morandi (2008). Since 2005 she has written and performed Luana prontomoda; Corpi impuri (Festivalfilosofia 2011); La Maria dei dadi da brodo (2012) in collaboration with Federica Iacobelli (ed. Pendragon); Nelle mani di Anna (2015) for Arena del Sole teatro nazionale. For RAI, he has recorded radio plays and performances on video. He has published for Bulzoni, Clueb, Pendragon, Mondadori.

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