Roberto Corradino
Roberto Corradino, class of 1975, theater and film actor (in “Il paese delle spose infelici” by Pippo Mezzapesa) trainer, director, playwright, soul of the company Reggimento Carri | Teatro. Awarded the Ubu award as best actor under 30, he trained at INDA, perfected himself with study stages on voice, movement techniques and dance and under the guidance of directors and actors (G. Pressburger, W. Pagliaro, A. Martino, D. Castellaneta, A. Laurenzi, F. Randazzo, M. Gueli). He continued his training following workshops by Alfonso Santagata, Spiro Scimone and Francesco Sframeli, the Raffaello Sanzio Socìetas, Danio Manfredini, Ornella D’Agostino, Living Theatre, Pippo Delbono and Pepe Robledo, Krystian Lupa. He has worked in theater with Marco Martinelli/Ermanna Montanari, (“Detto Molierè” prod. Le Manege/Mons-Teatro delle Albe 2010) Mimmo Cuticchio,(“Visita guidata all’Opera dei pupi” Festival Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2000) Maria Maglietta (“Horcynus Orca” by D’arrigo, 2001), Pippo Delbono (“Il silenzio” Orestiadi di Gibellina, 2001), Sandro Lombardi/Federico Tiezzi (“Uccelli” by Aristophanes 2008, “I giganti della montagna” by Pirandello,2009) Eimuntas Nekrosius.
In October 2000, Reggimento Carri | Teatro was founded with which it produced “Piaccainocchio” a finalist at the Premio Scenario.
In October 2000, Reggimento Carri | Teatro was founded with which it produced “Piaccainocchio” a finalist at the Premio Scenario.