Ezio Sinigaglia: Scritture desideranti
Conversation on the author’s works in dialogue with Marco Obino

An encounter in the company of Ezio Sinigaglia, considered one of the most interesting voices in contemporary Italian literature. His works (mostly published by TerraRossa edizioni) skillfully combine lightness and complexity in the investigation of identity, pushing the dynamics related to sex and desire to the extreme. The plots offer relational perspectives open to surprise, freed from taboos and sometimes disturbing: from the ambiguous boundary between friendship and love to the joyful representation of bisexuality to the naturalness of sex between soldiers. Through a recognizable stylistic code that combines Tondelli’s colloquiality with Mari’s elegant and cultured periodicism, Sinigaglia’s writing is a skillful combinatorial game of brilliant irony and delicate lyricism; an exercise that invites one to step outside the box, in literature and in life.
Dates for this event:
Free entrance
Ezio Sinigaglia (Milano, 1948) ha lavorato a lungo in ambito editoriale e pubblicitario. Ha esordito nel 1985 con Il pantarèi, un metaromanzo sui classici del Novecento riproposto nel 2019 da TerraRossa, editore con il quale ha pubblicato anche L’imitazion del vero, Fifty-fifty. Warum e le avventure Conerotiche, Fifty-fifty. Sant’Aram nel Regno di Marte, Sillabario all’incontrario, Grave disordine con delitto e fuga, tutti scritti negli anni ’80-’90. Ha inoltre dato alle stampe Eclissi con Nutrimenti e L’amore al fiume (e altri amori corti) con Wojtek.