A show by Simona Bertozzi
Italy | duration: 60’

Relying on the energetic rush of young performers, Onde is inspired by The Waves, Virginia Woolf’s famous play-poem, from which it takes the idea of the continuous flow of images and the need to regenerate its rhythm. The performance is shaped through a choreographic and musical act that opens to the present of bodies that stretch and float between ecstasy and animal movements. The dialogue between anatomical and acoustic volumes multiplies the perspectives of encounter and, just like the propagation of shock waves, it blurs the contours of individual actions. Rhythm, effort, but also sinking, escape, and withdrawal.
Dates for this event:
Full price: 13€
Under30, Over65 e Card Cultura, Alliance Française members: 8€
Reduced price: Unibo e Ababo: 5€
Tickets can be bought:
1) Online: on TicketSMS.it starting from october 2024.
2) At Gender Bender’s Festival Center: from 31 October to 11 November from 3.00pm to 9.00pm only and exclusively at the Gender Bender’s Festival Centre, set up at DAS – Dispositivo arti sperimentali in via del Porto 11/b.
*There will NOT be a ticket office at the event locations.
For more info: biglietteria@genderbender.it
Simona Bertozzi practices a dance in which choreography constitutes a territory of happenings, a complex system inhabited by the body. After dancing for Virgilio Sieni, she founded Compagnia Simona Bertozzi | Cultural Association Nexus in 2008. She won the GD’A choreography competition in 2007, was selected in 2008 for Spring Forward of the European network Aerowaves and took part in the international project Choreoroam, supported by British Council/The Place, Dansateliers/Rotterdam and Bassano Opera Festival.
Concept and coreography: Simona Bertozzi
Dance: Arianna Brugiolo, Rafael Candela, Valentina Foschi
Original live musics: Luca Perciballi
Lightning design: Rocio Espana Rodriguez
Costumes: Vicini D’Istanti
Foto and video: Luca Del Pia
Organisation: Miriana Erario
Press: Michele Pascarella
Production: Nexus 2023 in coproduction with Festival Danza Estate, Operaestate Festival Veneto/CSC
With support of MiC, Regione Emilia Romagna, Comune di Bologna
In collaboration with Dialoghi – Residenze delle Arti Performative a Villa Manin 2021