Deactivated Bodies and Performing Arts
Meeting with Al.Di.Qua Artists
With Dalila D’Amico and Aristide Rontini
with LIS interpreter

The identities, the history and the stories of bodies with disabilities are often ignored by a system that has been modeled after healthy bodies without disabilities. Al.Di.Qua.Artists, an acronym for ALternative DIsability QUAlity Artists, is Italy’s first association of and for people with disabilities working in the arts. It aims to claim their place in a history that almost never involves these people. The goal is to reaffirm the autonomy and rights of artists with disabilities, in order to change the way in which they are shown in mainstream media and in which they are perceived by the collective imagination. During the meeting, a survey regarding the accessibility of the spaces designated for the festival will be presented and discussed.
LIS interpreter will be present at the presentation
Dates for this event:
Free entry.
About the association
Al.Di.Qua. Artists (Alternative Disability Quality Artists) defines itself as “the first Italian association of disabled women and men workers in the performing arts” and was established in 2020, after artists from different disciplines and disabilities sought to reason and propose solutions to numerous problems encountered daily in their work and relationships. Among the demands brought forward is accessibility, both in terms of artistic fruition and production: access to the studio and to work opportunities for artists and female artists with disabilities, without forgetting the importance of changing the imagination that identifies disabled people.