If I Die, it’ll be of Joy
A documentary by Alexis Taillant
France, 2024, 80’
National Première
original version (french) with subtitles

Micheline, who is 81 years old, dreams about orgasms and tells anyone who will listen that she burns with desire. Francis, who is 70 and a seasoned activist, incessantly challenges the taboos surrounding being old. Yves, 68, desperately seeks love. In a world that underestimates the power of senility, the three main characters lead a group of activists on a bold journey to revolutionize the lives of the elderly, challenging stereotypes and judgments and redefining the concepts of sex, love and aging.
Dates for this event:
Full price: 8€
Under30, Over65, Card Cultura: 5€
Reduced price: Unibo e Ababo: 3€
Tickets can be bought:
1) Online: on TicketSMS.it starting from october 2024.
2) At Gender Bender’s Festival Center: from 31 October to 11 November from 3.00pm to 9.00pm only and exclusively at the Gender Bender’s Festival Centre, set up at DAS – Dispositivo arti sperimentali in via del Porto 11/b.
*There will NOT be a ticket office at the event locations.
For more info: biglietteria@genderbender.it
Alexis Taillant, aged 43, is a French producer and director. He directed his first documentary VIRAGES, produced by the company Le Miroir, in 2009. The film follows the life of six victims of traffic accidents and tells the story of the metamorphosis of their lives. In 2015 he directed the documentary STENDHAL’S VERTIGO, which was co-produced with Italy and Belgium. The documentary presents Stendhal syndrome, a strange disease related to art. IF I DIE, IT’LL BE OF JOY (2023) is his third documentary