L’home dels nassos (The Monster of Many Noses)
A movie by Abigail Schaaff
Spain, 96’, 2024
National Première
original version (catalan) with italian subtitles

Two young boys struggling with self-discovery fall in love while their small village in the mountains is ravaged by the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s. In 1968, thirty years later, came the moment of truth about the Francoist informant responsible for the massacre that occurred in their community. The film, which blends historical drama and dreamlike elements, mixes the two time planes with individual and collective stories of a local community that was devastated by fascism and by the shadow of a legend: L’Home dels Nassos (the man of the noses), a mythical character in Catalan folklore who catches children who have a tendency to tell lies.
Dates for this event:
Full price: 8€
Under30, Over65, Card Cultura: 5€
Reduced price: Unibo e Ababo: 3€
Tickets can be bought:
1) Online: on TicketSMS.it starting from october 2024.
2) At Gender Bender’s Festival Center: from 31 October to 11 November from 3.00pm to 9.00pm only and exclusively at the Gender Bender’s Festival Centre, set up at DAS – Dispositivo arti sperimentali in via del Porto 11/b.
*There will NOT be a ticket office at the event locations.
For more info: biglietteria@genderbender.it
Abigail Schaaff is a director and assistant director. She is famous for having participated in El ministerio del tiempo (2015), Kubala, Moreno i Manchón (2012) and 90-60-90. Diario secreto de una adolescente (2009). L’home dels nassos is his first feature film.