Studi per danze americane
A show by Fabrizio Favale
Italy | Duration 20′

Fabrizio Favale presents a preparatory work inspired by the American postmodern dance techniques of Merce Cunningham, Trisha Brown and José Limón. The performance is a rediscovery journey of pure, non-narrative dance free from choreography and narration, in which the body can construct and deconstruct new sequences. The audience is invited to freely space in it’s own imagination and to plunge completely into the senses, without any claim of interpretation.
Dates for this event:
Free entrance
Accessibility Palazzo Bentivoglio
Accessible for people with mobility impairments and wheelchair users at via delle Moline 1. Prior communication is required via email to
Presence of toilets at the premises
Accessibility Show
Traveling show, without seats (available if necessary)