Terminal Beach
A show by Moritz Ostruschnjak
Germany | duration: 70’
National Première
With the support of Coop Alleanza 3.0

With the support of:
– Consolato Generale della Repubblica Federale di Germania
– NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ International Guest Performance Fund for Dance, which is funded by Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
An energetic and dynamic choreographic collage that presents the endless potential of movement and dance.Six extraordinary performers move on a huge stage explore the past, the present, and the future mixing historical periods, genres, styles, and techniques: they surf around each other, run on roller skates, become cowboys, engage in armored duels and wave flags as young revolutionaries. A surreal fresco celebrating the generative power of art, in which Monty Python can paint Breugel and Verdi happens to introduce Johnny Cash.
Dates for this event:
Full price: 13€
Under30, Over65 e Card Cultura, Alliance Française members: 8€
Reduced price: Unibo e Ababo: 5€
Tickets can be bought:
1) Online: on TicketSMS.it starting from october 2024.
2) At Gender Bender’s Festival Center: from 31 October to 11 November from 3.00pm to 9.00pm only and exclusively at the Gender Bender’s Festival Centre, set up at DAS – Dispositivo arti sperimentali in via del Porto 11/b.
*There will NOT be a ticket office at the event locations.
For more info: biglietteria@genderbender.it

Moritz Ostruschnjak developed his interest in contemporary dance through breakdancing. He studied at the Iwanson International School in Munich and completed his training with Maurice Béjart in Lausanne. He has been a freelance choreographer since 2013 and created the solo Island of Only Oneland and the ensemble pieces Text Neck, Boids, Unstern, and Autoplay. In 2022 he created Terminal Beach for Munich’s Utopia, and in 2023 he opened the Munich International Dance Festival with Rabbit Hole. In 2020 he was also awarded the Dance Prize of the City of Munich for his artistic work.
Coreography: Moritz Ostruschnjak
Choreographic contributor: Daniela Bendini
Dance: Guido Badalamenti, David Cahier, Daniel Conant, Robero Provenzano, Miyuki Shimizu,
Magdalena Agata Wójcik
Lighting design: Michael Peischl
Dramaturg: Armin Kerber
Costumes: Daniela Bendini, Moritz Ostruschnjak
Music mixing and editing: Jonas Friedlich
Production management: Susanne Ogan
Direction: Alexandra Schmidt
In tournée: Pascal Jung
PR: Simone Lutz
- The Grid, Philip Glass
- Satan is Real, The Louvin
- Ghostriders in the Sky, Johnny Cash
- For 12 Strings (Rising), James Tenney
- Transmission, Pharmakon
- L’Amours Toujours, Gigi d’Agostino
- Amours me fait desirer, Guillaume de Machaut
- Nabucco – Parte Terza – Scena, Viviankrist
- Ich Ruf’ Zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ Bww, Johann
- Platformalism, Matmos
- I Believe in the Man in the Sky, Elvis Presley
- Night is a Trap II, Puce Mary
- Oh, Lovely Appearance of Death, Efdemin
Watch the trailer