My Body
A show by Stefania Tansini
(Italy, 40 min.)

A sound welcomes the audience’s entrance into a black and gold space, illuminated by three lights that guide the viewer into an encounter with the dancer, her movements, her breath and her voice. What Stefania Tansini stages in My Body is an intimate and evocative attempt to connect with others. In this process, the vulnerable side of the individual is generously exposed and shared. The choreographer pursues her research on the topics of body and movement in an authentic form of expression and in deep contact with otherness.
The 20/09 performance is followed by a conversation with the artist in dialogue with Fabio Acca
Dates for this event:
Tickets can be purchased:
1) Online: via the DICE platform (a presale fee will be added to the ticket cost).
2)At the box office set up at the venue from one hour before the start of the performance.
DANCE subscriptions must be booked by e-mail.
For ticket and season ticket info:
Stefania Tansini graduated from the Paolo Grassi Academy. She has worked as a dancer for Romeo Castellucci, Cindy Van Acker, Simona Bertozzi, Luca Veggetti, Enzo Cosimi, Ariella Vidach. She collaborates as a dancer for Motus. She has embarked on an authorial path of research on the body, which she pursues through choreographic projects (My Body trio 2022, My Body solo 2021, Punti di ristoro 2020, La grazia del terribile 2019, Questione di vita o di morte 2018, Linea Umana 2017). Together with the photographer Luca Del Pia, he has realised the video-installative project Stupid Girls and Due Madri, with the composer Paolo Aralla and Guido Barbieri Dove finisce il volo, with Paolo Aralla the performance for home spaces Interno Notte and Utera with Secret Theatre Ensamble and Tempo Reale, a performance with biodynamic sensors.
Fabio Acca is a critic and scholar of performing arts; he carries out teaching and research activities at the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Turin. His most recent books include: “Il teatro e il suo dopo” (with Silvia Mei, Editoria & Spettacolo), “La Rete che danza. Actions of the Network Anticorpi” (with Alessandro Pontremoli, Edizioni Cantieri), “Fare Artaud. The Theatre of Cruelty in Italy 1935-1970” (Editoria & Spettacolo). Since 2014, he has been artistic co-director of TIR Danza, a dance production organisation.
Progetto vincitore di DNAppunti coreografici 2020